Young Riders Who Lead


Eligibility Requirements 


Young Riders Who Lead is a Horse Review special section that publishes in August to recognize Young Riders who are leaders in various equestrian disciplines. To qualify as a Young Rider Who Leads  a "Young Rider" is  a young male or female rider between the ages of 10-18 who exemplify excellence in equestrian sports, both non-competitively and competitively.  

A Young Rider is one who thrives and excels in daily horse life and horse care management, as well as positive sportsmanlike conduct which include inclusive and welcoming behaviors to other riders in his or her barn, riding school or show region. The Horse Review is looking to recognize young riders who go above and beyond in the barn with horses, trainers/ instructors, barn mates, and competitors. 

Riding school instructors, trainers, and parents can nominate riders of any discipline who have been riding for at least one full year. Young Riders will be recognized in the Young Riders Who Lead Special Issue in August 2024. A parent, horse trainer/ instructor, or barn manager will need to submit the nomination and address why the young rider should be recognized. Selected Young Riders will answer a questionnaire to complete his or her selection process. To nominate a Young Rider please fill out the form below. 

When nominating, please make sure to include the discipline in which you would like to see your nominee recognized. If selected, our editorial team will reach out to the nominee to have them complete a form to provide additional information to be used in print and online. 

The Nomination deadline is May 10, 2024. A panel of reviewers will select the honorees that will be recognized and featured. The honorees will be contacted by May 17th, letting them know they will be featured in the Young Riders Who Lead Special Edition. 

Nominate Here 



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